In vitro macrophage, studies are a good biological model for studying homeopathy. All our data indicate that even the most diluted drug (cH200) has demonstrated a biological response, as can be seen, its effects on the metabolism of macrophages. Different results were obtained when different potencies of the initial drug were used, indicating that different potencies resulted in different drugs. Mercurius has proved to be an interesting product, with each potency acting as a different drug. In the cH6 and cH12 potencies, it induced the release of IFN, at cH200 potency, of apparently antagonistic IL4, and in cH30, despite the activated morphology, we did not detect any of the measured cytokines (we only quantified 5 among the currently known tens). It is also important to remember that the experiments were performed 3 times in triplicate and that the ANOVA only allows analysis when the results of these repetitions are harmonic. The careful and rigorous statistical analysis gives us security and credibility in the results obtained.
General conclusions after many years with homeopathic researches:
̧ Several homeopathic medicines have action on macrophages.
̧ Possible route of action of these drugs in the body would be through Th1 and Th2 responses
̧ Different potencies of the same substance are different drugs
̧ A complex drug has a different action from all the other drugs that compose it when analyzed in isolation.
The reliability of the principles of homeopathy (cure by the like, globality cure and use of high dilutions of substances) and their scientific bases can be evaluated through various theoretical and experimental approaches. We saw during the last years that substances prepared according to the homeopathic method can influence the immune system. This can be an important step towards a reevaluation of homeopathy as a field of value for basic and clinical research.