The life force and immune system
The immune system, a set of defense and healing mechanisms of our body, is highly competent and controlled, performing its functions without compromising the rest of the body. However, many autoimmune diseases, immunodepression syndromes, and cancer may be the result of disorders in the immune system, where the action of this decisively determines the patient’s prognosis and an inadequate or insufficient immune response can mean the loss of the body’s fight against the disease. In these cases, why not rehabilitate it and stimulate it to perform its function, guiding you to eliminate the disease?
Unlike the drugs used by allopathic medicine, which act directly on the physiological processes related to the symptoms of the disease, homeopathic medicines promote the improvement of the general state of health of the individual, stimulating his immune system to trigger appropriate responses for each situation. Thus homeopathic treatment allows the individual to restore health and prevent disease without, however, producing the side effects experienced by many of the conventional treatments. The incredible adaptability and intelligence of the immune system, which keeps us healthy, despite the considerable adversities, is crucial, and Hahnemann called this intelligence “life force,” describing it as “the spiritual force that reigns supreme.” It is important to note that the existence of this force that works to keep us as healthy as possible before we know the cells and molecules that make up the immune system was perceived and accepted. Throughout its evolutionary history, multicellular animals have been infected by microorganisms. In response, they have developed a series of defenses that are currently used. Physical and chemical barriers, such as skin and mucosal surfaces, limit microorganisms to the outer surfaces of the body and, when pathogens can break down these barriers, are usually destroyed by the immune system. Thanks to this system, animals have the ability to resist almost all types of microorganisms or toxins that tend to damage tissues and organs and even often protect us from infections and from modified cells such as cancerous ones. Currently, we all know this system which is made up of numerous cell types and a variety of molecules which are scattered throughout our body.
Link 1 – A fantastic video explaining how the immune system works!!!
Link 2 – A video about what is and what is not life!!!