Dorly de Freitas Buchi

Homeopathy Science

About Us

Dorly de Freitas Buchi, a renowned Brazilian researcher, holds a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences (Biophysics) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Her solid academic background is reflected in the publication of several scientific articles in the field of Cell Biology. Professor, for more than 40 years at the Federal University of Paraná, she combines extensive experience in higher education, both in undergraduate and graduate courses, and effective contributions in the sphere of the university administration. Her orientation activities are remarkable, from scientific initiation to doctorate, having promoted the training of a large number of young scientists.

Despite this exemplary academic trajectory, what makes Dorly a special human being are her unique qualities: loyalty, courage, tenderness, and tenacity. Woman, mother, sister, and friend, she is endowed with profound sensitivity, a conciliatory spirit, and the ability to aggregate people and ideals around a greater good. Her respect for life, in all its forms, has always guided her in search of health promotion and a better life for all. And so, in her continuous overcoming of challenges, guided by an acute scientific curiosity and her non-conformity with the paradigms and limitations of traditional medicine, in an untiring spirit and an unwavering purpose of serving collective interests, firmly carried out research based on highly diluted drugs and complex biological response modifiers. A significant part of the results of her efforts and her holistic view is presented in this book which, as an author, proposes to contribute to life, health, and the construction of happiness for all.

About Homeopathy

Immune System and Homeopathy Studies using macrophages treated with different homeopathic medicines have resulted in a significant increase in the activated/resident macrophage ratio compared to control groups (water, hydroalcoholic solution, and untreated). Different macrophage receptors were altered, both in expression and distribution, in addition to altering the production and release of different cytokines and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species…

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Homeopathy Science

  • Like cures like: This principle states that a substance that can cause symptoms in a healthy person can cure those same symptoms in a sick person. For example, if a person gets a rash from contact with poison ivy, then a homeopathic remedy made from poison ivy might be used to treat a rash with similar symptoms.

  • The law of minimums: This principle states that the smaller the dose of a remedy, the greater its effect. Homeopathic remedies are often diluted to very high levels, but practitioners believe that this dilution makes them more effective.

  • The single remedy: This principle states that only one remedy should be given at a time, so that its effects can be clearly observed.

  • The totality of symptoms: This principle states that the remedy should be chosen based on the whole picture of the patient’s symptoms, not just the physical symptoms. This includes the patient’s emotional and mental state, as well as their lifestyle and preferences.

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The existence and unexpected pathways in my life.

In this book, I tell the story of my life and my relationship with science, and especially how this journey resulted in 20 years of basic research in homeopathy.


Gallusstrasse 1a 8730 Uznach


SCIENCE is exploring the potential of INNATE IMMUNITY to benefit animal health. The rational basis of immunomodulation directed to the innate immune system is related to its ability to respond to a wide variety of pathogens, in contrast to specific therapies such as vaccines and antibiotics.

The innate immune response is responsible for trying to block the replication of pathogens before the onset of the disease. It is a rapid and nonspecific response involving a complex network of biochemical and cellular pathways, which actively recognize and remove invading pathogens, as well as activates the ADAPTIVE IMMUNE RESPONSE resulting in lasting protection. The innate immune response is also involved in tissue repair processes, such as healing and bone remodeling, as well as participating in the immunological control of emerging tumors and processes of inhibition of tumor progression. Thus, the modulation of innate immunity has the potential for preventive, therapeutic or adjuvant use.

Highly diluted natural drugs were studied in research centers in Brazilian universities. Several modulatory effects of the innate immune response have been observed in vitro and in vivo studies using animal models. These immunomodulatory actions have also been demonstrated in the human and veterinary medical clinic.

Inflammatory Breast Carcinoma Canine treated with oral medication (drops) and topical (gel). (A) Clinical signs of breast carcinoma prior to treatment. (B) After 7 days of treatment. (C) No clinical signs after 60 days of treatment.

Clinical case: Highly diluted natural drug (M 8) in the treatment of Mammary Inflammatory Carcinoma in dogs – Veterinary Hospital – UFPR

SILVA D.M. et al. Oral, topical, and inhalation of Calcarea carbonica derivative complex (M8) to treat

inflammatory mammary carcinoma in dogs. Int J High Dilution Res 2012, 11(40). Proceedings of the XXVI GIRI Symposium; 2012 Florence (Italy)