The issue of epidemics has been present since the beginning of human history and there are numerous reports of epidemics during antiquity and the Middle Ages. The assessment of homeopathic remedies during the 1918-19 influenza pandemic was positive. According to reports published in the May 1921 Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, it reported that in 24,000 cases of influenza treated with allopathic remedies had a mortality rate of 28.2%, while in the 26,000 cases of influenza treated by Homeopathy, the mortality rate was 1.05%.
The most commonly used remedy was Gelsemium, followed by Bryonia and Eupatorium. It has also been reported that of 6,602 cases, with 55 deaths, i.e. less than 1%. Dr. Roberts, working as a doctor on a military troopship during World War I, treated 81 cases of influenza on the way to Europe and reported: “All recovered and landed. All received homeopathic treatment. Another ship lost 31 soldiers. on the way (source: http://www.hpathy.com).
Excerpts from Margareth Frossard Ribeiro Mendes’ monograph, directed by Dr. Ozelia Evangelista (2005), Brasilia – Brazil:
“Around 1794, in Karstadt Village, during a scabies epidemic Hahnemann studied the cases he was attending and found that the symptoms fluctuated between the Calcarea carbonic and Sulfur medicines, so he had the idea of combining the two medicines with a great successful cure of cases.
He also gave instructions on the hygiene and prophylaxis care of the inhabitants of that place in order to avoid the disease. He later experimented with himself and some of his collaborators on this combination between the two drugs and then the new drug called Hepar sulphuris calcareum.
Hahnemann witnessed a severe scarlet fever epidemic and, knowing the Belladona power to produce a state similar to the first stage of scarlet fever, used it with great success during this period of the disease and saw that it was not just a dressing but a preventative remedy for it.
In the year 1831, cholera invaded Germany, Hahnemann discovered the medicines most similar to that cholera epidemic and wrote guidelines to print the population, so that at the time of the invasion of the epidemic, homeopathic doctors were already prepared for treatment. and disease prophylaxis, indicating Cuprum metalicum.
And so many lives were saved. Published results: total patients treated with the homeopathic method: 1270; cured: 1162 (91.5%); deaths: 108 (8.5%); The mortality rate among patients treated by allopathic methods was 50% to 60% of cases.
In 1836, homeopathy was prohibited in Vienna. During this cholera epidemic, they were able to use homeopathic medicines in a hospital environment and the results were favorable for homeopathic treatment and as a result, the ban on homeopathy was overturned.
Two-thirds of patients treated with homeopathy healed and allopathic treatment two-thirds died. In the epidemic across Europe in 1854, 51.4% of the sick died (462,481 deaths out of a total of 901,413 cases), while of the 16,884 sick people treated with homeopathy, only 1,896 died. At this time, the London Homeopathic Hospital, the mortality of cases treated with homeopathy was 11.2% and among patients treated with allopathy was 54%”.
Marcus Zulian Teixeira, from Medicine School of University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, published in Journal of Homeopathy (2010):
“Hahnemann used prophylactic drugs during various epidemics; evaluated and chose the remedies based on his observations, proving the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines. His observations and experience led him to create guidelines for choosing the curative and prophylactic remedy in epidemics.
Similarly, we can apply this methodology in the search and use of homeopathic medicines for the current Influenza A – H1N1 pandemic. Other physicians described the high levels of protection that Belladonna afforded to children exposed to the same type of epidemic in the 1820s: Dudgeon reports that ten allopaths prophylactically used belladonna in 1646 children, observing symptom manifestation in only 123 cases (7.5%), high degree of protection in an epidemic that affected 90% of those exposed at the time.
A review of these results from the prophylactic use of belladonna in scarlet fever, published in the Hufeland’s Journal in 1826, made the Prussian government oblige the use of it during the 1838 epidemic. These data show the use of Belladonna as “specific” prophylactic of scarlet fever by the allopathic doctors of the time”.
As we can see in epidemics history, since Hahnemann, homeopathy always is forbidden and persecuted, but even so, the medical doctors (heroes fighting against prejudice and economics interests) and patients use theses medicines, showing that it is an effective healer, protecting children and adults during chaos and fear periods.