The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has only been circulating in human hosts for a few months, less than one year, which means that there is simply no way to know whether immunity to the disease lasts longer than that. How long immunity lasts is a big question. Research can only confirm that COVID-19 patients can maintain adaptive immunity to SARS-CoV-2 for few weeks.
Ultimately, researchers are still uncertain about what level of long-term immune memory is enough to protect against future coronavirus infection, and how long it takes for the immune system to drop below that level. It is not even clear whether someone with immunity could spread the coronavirus to others while fighting off a second infection.
Coronaviruses that cause the common cold can infect people repeatedly, as the immunity to other coronaviruses tends to be short-lived, with reinfections happening quite often about 12 months later and, in some cases, even sooner. There is a great chance of the immunity to the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 might be similarly short-lived.
The process of developing a vaccine is time-consuming because it requires rigorous scientific evaluation. It is needed to confirm that the vaccine is safety, without many and severe side effects, and is needed to prove its efficacy, more than 50%, in thousand s of people.
In COVID’s case, they do not even understand the virus itself or how the virus affects the immune system. For example, new dengue vaccine performs well in large trial, but safety remains key concern, because may produce severe side effects and might increasedisease severity, as happened with a dengue vaccine given to 1 million children in the Philippines in 2017.
The exacerbated adaptative immune response against the coronavirus results in inflammation of the lung and blood vessels. But for reasons not yet fully understood, some people enter a vicious cycle, the virus just keeps replicating and the immune system keep calling in for more reinforcements. Them the battle is to control the inflammation.
Unfortunately, against the virus there is not yet a cure. But we can decrease the inflammation or even prevent the disease activating or modulating the innate immune response taking ANBUTA PLUS. So, if you are already infected, you can also help your body to prevent this generalized infection taking ANBUTA PLUS.